Inflammation and progress

Last time I told you I would talk about inflammation in my next blog but I’d also like to talk about some positive changes my family and I have noticed lately. Inflammation can be a painful and uncomfortable side effect of eating foods your body doesn’t agree with. There are other things that can cause inflammation as well but in my opinion processed/fast food is the number one cause. I can definitely feel the difference in my body (pain) after eating certain foods. Eating a clean diet is a great way to lessen or possibly eliminate inflammation in the body. I invite you to pay attention or even keep a journal of how you feel after eating certain foods and your body will let you know what you shouldn’t be eating. In my opinion, the best way to eliminate inflammation is by following the Virgin diet. The Virgin diet was created by JJ Virgin. She spent years doing allergy testing and found there are certain foods most people are allergic to. These are the foods she says to avoid: gluten, corn, dairy, soy, eggs, Peanuts, sugar and artificial sweeteners. Now this is a very strict diet but she advises to abstain from these foods for a couple of months and one by one add them back and see how your body reacts.

Now for the progress I mentioned! After about two months of eating clean and exercising when I’m able I can definitely notice some positive results. Now I’m not losing a lot of weight even though I’ve cut my calories by about 1000 daily. I believe I’m holding water weight from medications but that is ok. I can feel my body getting healthier. I am walking with less difficulty and less pain. I am also walking at a more normal pace. For years people have commented on or made fun of me for walking extremely slow. I am more active and spending less time in bed or closed off in my room. I feel like in a few months I’ll be back to my old self. That’s my hope/goal anyway! Thanks for reading guys!


Diet is the #1 most important thing when it comes to weight loss. You can workout as much as you want but if your diet is working against your goal, you have a much tougher road ahead of you. I have tried many different diets in my day and I’ve come to the conclusion that without self discipline, the diet or anything else you try in life for that matter, simply won’t work. What I have had the most luck with so far, basically boils down to common sense. Cutting calories is more or less what you have to do. Eating healthy, unprocessed foods, fruits and vegetables helps as well. Common sense right? Now there are certain diets that aid in helping you along the way. I have cut my meat down to about one meal a week and have been doing intermittent fasting. This has helped me cut down on calories and amount of food eaten. Intermittent fasting is basically picking certain days or times to do the bulk of your eating. I easy for 8 hours a day and fast for 16 hours. This has also helped cut back on inflammation which has many other benefits that I will discuss in my next blog. It is also beneficial to track your food (calories) with an app. I use my fitness pal. This app has many useful features and articles.

Is any disease really incurable?

We are told certain diseases are incurable, then we read stories of people being cured. Is it the truth or a made up story? At age 24 I was diagnosed with an “incurable disease” I accepted this as fact because doctors when to medical school. They know what they’re are talking about right? Well after many years of research, reading articles and watching documentaries I came to the conclusion that the American health system is corrupt. Not saying that everyone involved is corrupt, just the system itself. I believe most doctors want the best for their patients. The problem is they are fed wrong information and learn nothing about nutrition. Nutrition is the number one thing affecting our health. I believe cutting out certain foods and eating mostly fruits and vegetables, along with drinking mostly water, coffee and tea with minimal sugar added, can cure or bring a lot closer to curing any disease. These are my opinions from research I have done, I invite you to do your own research and decide for yourself. I am happy to discuss these things with anyone and give them any info I have on the topic at hand. I want to see myself and many others cured whether you believe you can be cured or not. Thanks for reading! Talk to you soon!

Beginning my road to health

I am starting my road to health with a detox. The detox consists of a vegan diet with daily juiced fruits and veggies. I will also be having daily natural/organic meal replacement shakes and/or protein shakes. I had recently started working out at the gym doing treadmill and light weights. After just three days in the gym, taking it super easy, I started having problems with my foot and had to go to the doctor. Now the doctor put me on steroids for a week, which in the past have always made me gain weight. So we’re off to a rough spot but it will be worth any pain or struggle I have to go through to regain my health and my life! So since I am on doctor’s orders to stay off my foot as much as possible, I will be doing daily swimming and chair yoga for two weeks along with my detox. Hopefully it’s back to the gym after that but time and my body will tell. Just had a breakfast of fruit and vegetable juice along with a about 10 pistachios. Now it’s off to the pool for my morning workout. Thanks for reading! Talk to you soon!

Below are my starting pictures along with weight, water and body fat.



Body fat:41.3